0.000000 BTC
0.000000 XMR
0.003575 BTC
2.266603 XMR
3.651976 BTC
446.253581 XMR
We often struggle with the concept of what we could have achieved if things had gone differently. This is your opportunity to adapt. When used appropriately, the strong word "IF" allows our imagination to explore a wide range of possibilities. Do some good for the world and observe how things turn out.
The Archetyp Foundation was established only to maximize the privacy, well-being, and freedom of all people. Initiatives that seek to preserve any one of these three core values will get active support from our fund.
In order to support the foundation's objectives, Archetyp Market agrees to consistently provide a percentage of its earnings to it. In order to preserve and improve the real world in which we all live, we are in favor of unrestricted access to the Internet.
Donor | Amount |
curlydock [market staff] | 1.25 BTC |
pharoah [market staff] | 0.3 BTC |
superwave | 0.007805 BTC |
krokodajl | 0.00777 BTC |
radarbreeder | 0.005 BTC |
kankatwenty | 0.0044 BTC |
floggedPanda | 0.00404 BTC |
MisterSwiss | 0.003939 BTC |
gamma78 | 0.003153 BTC |
TomSmith44 | 0.003 BTC |
Donor | Amount |
pharoah [market staff] | 100 XMR |
radarbreeder | 7.699999999999999 XMR |
softecho | 3.326191000000001 XMR |
StVitus | 2.836015 XMR |
superwave | 2.69661 XMR |
luni9999 | 2.69 XMR |
JimmyjamOU812 | 2 XMR |
Amer1canSpirit | 1.67 XMR |
juarez | 1.5 XMR |
rambouk2uk | 1.111111 XMR |
Donor | Amount | Time |
mody | 0.013211 xmr | 2024-02-07 17:11:43 GMT |
whickerhuh | 0.000286 btc | 2024-02-07 05:18:50 GMT |
Spex78 | .358146 xmr | 2024-02-06 23:28:20 GMT |
softecho | 0.5 xmr | 2024-02-06 17:23:28 GMT |
radarbreeder | 0.1 xmr | 2024-02-06 15:13:48 GMT |
ancientcanopies | 0.037837 xmr | 2024-02-06 04:38:52 GMT |
drippyslitt | 0.016848 xmr | 2024-02-06 04:38:37 GMT |
venning | 0.03 xmr | 2024-02-05 11:16:50 GMT |
Loves2spooge | 0.000049 btc | 2024-02-05 08:22:09 GMT |
cisco244 | 0.016913 xmr | 2024-02-05 03:38:18 GMT |